Build your wildly profitable, freedom-fueled freelance business

Are you ready to break free from the 9-to-5 grind and build a business that lights you up (and gives you more freedom)?

In this course – I’m giving you the step-by-step blueprint and tools to help you launch your highly profitably online service business from the ground up. If you're tired of empty promises and endless fluff, you've come to the right place. This course is all about actionable strategies, real-world tactics, and zero BS. Plus the processes & tools to help you do it.

What would happen if…

👉 You were making an extra $5k - $10k per month running your own online freedom business, would that change things for you

👉 You could achieve your financial goals and make more money than you ever thought possible?

👉 You could take your corporate skills and turn them into a thriving online business?

👉 You could finally start living life on your own terms & designing life the way YOU want to live it?

👉 You had a step-by-step plan for building your online business without the overwhelm of figuring it out yourself?

👉 You could build a business along side your 9-5, gaining confidence and financial stability before you go all-in?

👉 You could learn from an experienced online entrepreneur who has helped hundreds of people just like you succeed?

So tell me…would launching a 6-figure online business that gives you back your time & freedom make a difference in your life?


This is for you if

💥 You’re ready to build an online business that gives you freedom & financial independence

💥 You want to discover your profitable purpose & turn your expertise into a thriving online business that gives you more flexibility

💥 You want a done-for-you toolkit of resources that make everything 10x easier, so you can hit the ground running in your new business

💥 You’re done with courses that don’t deliver. You want something that gives you a clear roadmap to success.

💥 You're starting from ground zero and want to take your business from brainstorm to bank with a proven roadmap. No more overwhelm, just focused action.

If you are saying "HECK YES" while reading these, then it's time for you to join the Soaring to 6-Figures Solo: Launch Your Online Business in 4 Weeks or Less course while it’s massively discounted at 50% off. Let's get your business launched, so you can enjoy life again!

Let’s get to the details. Here’s what you can expect in the Soaring to 6-Figures Solo Course

Module 1 / Week 1

  • Ever feel like you're good at a lot of things, but unsure which ones could translate into a thriving online service business? This module will help you uncover your hidden goldmine of marketable skills.

  • Now that you know your profitable skills, it’s time to identify a thriving niche market that's perfectly aligned with your skills, passions, and profit potential. Not only that, we’ll validate your niche to make sure your skills are in-demand and high-paying.

Module 2 / Week 2

  • Ready to translate your skills and niche into irresistible offers that clients can't refuse? This module equips you with the research and pricing strategies to craft winning service packages that command your worth.

  • This module polishes your offer and prepares you to attract your ideal clients like the magnet that you are We'll delve into the art of positioning your offer for success in your chosen niche so your messaging speaks exactly to their pain points.

  • Remember those irresistible service packages you crafted? This module transforms them into a lucrative menu, setting the stage for profitable client relationships. We'll guide you through the world of package pricing, empowering you to set prices with confidence and attract clients who value your expertise.

Module 3 / Week 3

  • This module acts as your business architect, guiding you through the essential decisions for establishing a solid foundation that supports your growth. We'll explore different business structures and help you choose the one that best aligns with your goals and aspirations.

  • Feeling overwhelmed by the seemingly endless tech tools out there? This module is your tech sherpa, guiding you through building a powerful yet streamlined tech stack that optimizes your online service business. We'll help you choose the right tools for your specific needs, ensuring your business runs smoothly and efficiently.

  • Imagine your dream website: polished, professional, and captivating clients with your story and expertise. This module transforms that vision into reality, guiding you through the website creation process with ease and clarity. You'll build a powerful online presence that attracts ideal clients and converts them into raving fans.

  • Ever dream of having a vibrant social media presence that attracts ideal clients and positions you as the go-to expert in your niche? This module is your social media compass, guiding you through the strategic setup of your accounts to cultivate a thriving online community. We'll help you choose the right platforms, craft engaging content, and attract followers who love and trust you.

Module 4 / Week 4

  • Ready to translate your skills and niche into irresistible offers that clients can't refuse? This module equips you with the research and pricing strategies to craft winning service packages that command your worth.

  • Remember those happy clients you delighted with your service? This module shows you how to transform their positive experiences into powerful testimonials that boost your credibility, attract new clients, and skyrocket your business.

  • Ready to finally turn leads into paying clients and experience the thrill of your first lucrative service engagement? This module is your launchpad, propelling you towards client acquisition with proven strategies and actionable steps. We'll equip you to attract high-quality leads, build trust, and close deals confidently.

  • Congratulations! You've landed your first few amazing clients. Now, how do you keep the momentum going and ensure a steady stream of high-quality clients fuels your long-term business growth? This module equips you with the strategies and tools to craft a sustainable client acquisition plan that brings in ideal clients on autopilot.

This course was made for you…

Soaring to 6-Figures Solo: Launch Your Solopreneur Business in 4 Weeks or Less

After Going Through this Step-By-Step Workbook Course, You Will Have The Skills To Confidently Launch an Online Business that’s Wildly Profitable.

Here’s whats included:

  • Clearly organized Notion dashboard that walks you through each phase and allows you to track your progress

  • 4 modules designed to be completed in 1 week each (so you can launch your business by week 4!)

  • 13 step-by-step workbooks for each phase in setting up your business

  • 20 BONUS templates + toolkits + resources to scale your business

  • Business Launch Planner

  • Lifetime access to course

Get a sneak peek at some of the templates

Plus 14 more bonus templates & resources!

Ready to soar to 6-figures with a your wildly profitable solo biz?


Meet your solopreneur business mentor, Maleah.

In 2020 - I was furloughed off from my marketing job working at an agency in the hospitality industry.

It was a punch to the gut, to say the least. But I was determined to stay positive and take this as an opportunity.

I started freelancing in order to bring in some income. I was lucky enough to have gotten my job back, but I knew I NEVER wanted to put myself in that position again.

I slowly grew my freelance side-hustle as a growth marketer alongside my 9-5 job.

Until finally in 2021, I was surpassing my full-time income and I decided to quit and go full-time into freelancing.

It was the best thing I’ve ever done. Within 3 months, I was earning 5-figures a month and grew my business to over 6-figures in less than 12 months.

I have the ultimate freedom and flexibility to travel where I want, design my own schedule, work with clients that I choose and take on projects that light me up. And to top it off, I’m earning more money than I ever have before.

I want to show you that this is possible for you too. And I want to help you do it.

Soaring to 6-Figures Solo details the exact process I took to build my freelance business to 6-figures in less than 1 year.

It’s more than just an information course. It’s the process, tools, templates & actionable workbooks that will help you build a sustainable solopreneur business - so you can ditch your 9-5 and live a freedom fueled life.

Are you ready?

Soaring to 6-Figures Solo

Soaring to 6-Figures Course
Sale Price:$48.50 Original Price:$97.00

Launch your solopreneur or freelance business in 4 weeks or less with Soaring to 6-Figures!

In this course – I’m giving you the step-by-step blueprint and tools to help you launch your highly profitably online service and freelance business from the ground up. If you're tired of empty promises and endless fluff, you've come to the right place. This course is all about actionable strategies, real-world tactics, and zero BS. Plus the processes & tools to help you do it.

It’s more than just an information course. It’s the process, tools, templates & actionable workbooks that will help you build a sustainable solopreneur business - so you can ditch you 9-5 and live a freedom fueled life. It’s the ultimate online course for freelancers and online service providers to build your business launch plan - all at an affordable price.

Sound good? Here’s what you get:

✓ 4 In-Depth Modules (one per week) to build your path to launching your profitable online business in 4 weeks or less

✓ 13 Step-by-Step Workbooks that walk you through the exact process to build your solopreneur business

✓ 20 Templates, Toolkits & Resources to Build Your Business

✓ Business Launch Planner

✓ Unlimited lifetime access w/ Free Upgrades

NOTE: Due to the digital nature of our products, all purchases are final and non-refundable.

Get The Course

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Soaring to 6-Figures Solo is a comprehensive online course designed to empower aspiring solopreneurs to launch and scale their businesses to six-figure success. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur with a big idea or someone seeking financial independence through freelancing, this course provides the roadmap and resources you need to thrive in building your own online service-based business.

  • In this course, you'll learn everything from identifying your niche, you ideal audience and offer to setting up your business for long-term success. Through a series of modules, each packed with actionable workbooks and exercises, you'll gain the knowledge and skills to turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality.

  • No prior experience is required to enroll in this course. The course will start with identifying your unique skillset that you can turn into an online business. Whether you're a seasoned professional looking to transition into entrepreneurship or a complete beginner eager to replace your 9-5, the course is designed to accommodate learners of all levels.

  • Whether you already have a business idea or are starting from scratch, "Soaring to 6-Figures Solo" is tailored to meet your needs. The course provides valuable insights and strategies to refine existing business concepts and accelerate growth, as well as guidance for those just beginning their entrepreneurial journey.

  • The course materials are designed to be user-friendly and include detailed instructions to guide you every step of the way. Launching SOON will be a dedicated community to course members to help hold you accountable, share ideas/progress and ask questions with like-minded individuals. If you have any questions before then please email: hello@hellodigitalco.com

  • The course material is conveniently hosted on Notion, a user-friendly platform that allows for easy navigation and access from any device. It's designed to be self-paced, giving you the flexibility to study at your own convenience and revisit lessons as needed. Additionally, accompanying workbooks for each module are provided in Google Slides format, allowing you to fill them in as you progress through the course.

  • "Soaring to 6-Figures Solo" is a self-paced course, allowing you to progress through the material at your own speed. While the exact timeframe may vary depending on your availability and pace, most participants complete the course within 4 weeks, dedicating a few hours per week to learning and implementing the lessons.

  • We estimate that it takes 3-4 hours per week to complete each module. Some modules take a bit longer and it also depends on your pace and how much time you can dedicate per week.

  • This is perfect for you! This course is designed for beginners to get you setup with the processes & tools to successfully start our freelance & online service provider business.

  • While "Soaring to 6-Figures Solo" provides valuable knowledge and resources to support your entrepreneurial journey, it's important to note that individual results may vary. Success ultimately depends on factors such as your dedication, effort, and market conditions. Therefore, we cannot guarantee specific outcomes from taking this course.

  • Unfortunately, due to the digital nature of the course and templates included, all sales are final. But if this course does not meet your expectations, please let us know how we can improve.

  • We use Notion for the course access, Canva and Google Sheets for accessing the tools & templates. If you do not currently have access to these platforms, they are FREE to sign up!

Still unsure if this is right for you?

I’ll be the first to tell you not to buy something that you’re not sure about! I am happy to answer any questions you have about this course and help you decide if it’s the right fit for you.